Thursday, August 7, 2014

A New Chip Functions Like a Brain, IBM Says

Inspired by the architecture of the brain, scientists have developed a new kind of computer chip that uses no more power than a hearing aid and may eventually excel at calculations that stump today’s supercomputers.

The chip, or processor, is named TrueNorth and was developed by researchers at IBM and detailed in an article published on Thursday in the journal Science. It tries to mimic the way brains recognize patterns, relying on densely interconnected webs of transistors similar to the brain’s neural networks.

The chip’s electronic “neurons” are able to signal others when a type of data — light, for example — passes a certain threshold. Working in parallel, the neurons begin to organize the data into patterns suggesting the light is growing brighter, or changing color or shape.

Monday, June 9, 2014

Google Embraces Docker, the Next Big Thing in Cloud Computing

Google is putting its considerable weight behind an open source technology that’s already one of the hottest new ideas in the world of cloud computing.

This technology is called Docker. You can think of it as a shipping container for things on the internet–a tool that lets online software makers neatly package their creations so they can rapidly move them from machine to machine to machine. On the modern internet–where software runs across hundreds or even thousands of machines–this is no small thing. Google sees Docker as something that can change the way we think about building software, making it easier for anyone to instantly tap massive amounts of computing power. In other words, Google sees Docker as something that can help everyone else do what it has been doing for years.

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Thursday, May 29, 2014

Ebay and The Password Thief

By now many if not all active E-Bayers have heard that their master database of encrypted passwords has been "Compromised" or in other words accessed by people who have questionable intentions. However, lets get real here the Internet is the Wild West of the modern world we live in, its a mecca of illegal activity so much so that not having a trusted and responsible computer security partner is as bad of an idea as the President of the United States walking around without his security detail.

Big Corporations like E-Bay are not exempt. Being as high profile as they are they are frequent targets of all kinds of attacks including DDOS attacks and unauthorized access of sensitive areas. The sole purpose of these attacks are often for financial gain, and in some cases, as we have seen with the stuxnet virus an act of Cyberwar initiated by a government.

To recap a bit about this E-Bay dilemma and report on the latest press releases, E-Bay management and its subsidiary Pay Pal are aggressively asking all its members and end users to change their passwords. I have already done so and if you have an E-Bay account or Paypal account you should also consider doing so as well.

The consequences of this data breach are certainly moot, and the extent at which these cyber-criminals can code crack the database to get past E-Bays encryption is certainly a question worth asking. However, E-Bay has assured all its customers that they are aggressively pursuing and investigating this cyber crime and intend to prosecute the culprits (if found) to the fullest extent of the law once they are identified.

In the meanwhile, we can expect additional verification questions on our account to slow us all down. Some of the methods deployed are the infamous cryptex that hard to read text that we as humans can discern but OCR devices cannot. E-Bay is also asking for Text confirmations via cell phone texts and I have even seen some companies ask a series of challenge questions prior to a password reset request.

Therefore its safe to conclude that as despicable, and sad as this data breach was, its not the the big picture or a complete disaster for the end user. As we have have evolved  in the it world we have continued to evolve ways to deter and dissuade cyber attackers from gaining unauthorized access to our accounts. The age of a young kid guessing a simple password to a national defense computer like in the movie War Games is a bygone and a historical account to reference how far we have come in securing end users today.

The next big challenge... is getting users to remember their ever growing list of passwords that now include special characters, numbers caps and the like. Some have speculated that this is the precursor to the Real ID and eventually password free systems accessed either biometrically or by way of an RFID chip implanted in the end users. What do you all think of this?

Monday, May 19, 2014

5-19-14 Celebrating the launch of the New Website

Today the ComputerFox launched its new website, the culmination of countless hours working through the middle of the night. Today a major milestone has been reached and we bring you, our valued customer the experience of the next level. Tell us your comments by clicking the Feedback link. Our website is designed to be fully interactive and as always we would love your feedback to get us closer to perfection.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

ComputerFox announces Summer internship opportunity

Summer interns are now being considered for the summer of 2014. Qualified applicants must apply in person to the ComputerFox located at 374 New Haven Ave. in Milford CT. We are seeking candidates with a strong work ethic, a reliable car and or transportation to and from our Milford location and you must work well with others and possess a strong desire to solve complex computer problems. You will be working in a challenging and dynamic environment with other interns and store employees so you will be expected to be a team player and work well with others. Experience not required but a plus and proper attire will be necessary when coming to the office each day. The ComputerFox is an equal opportunity employer, has limited positions available. Internship will be offered to those qualifying applicants on a first come first serve basis starting the first day of Summer.

ComputerFox Launches New Website

The ComputerFox has developed and launched a world class website with the goal of facilitating customer interactions. We ask all our visitors here to try out our new website and then give us your feedback for improvement by clicking the FEEDBACK link on the bottom right of this website.

We value and appreciate our customer comments, and we are always striving to be the best possible computer company we can be. Please let us know if we are meeting your needs or innovating new ways that make us stand out from our competitors. We here at the ComputerFox are always striving to stand out from our competitors, earn your trust and deliver an affordable quality service that makes you proud to recommend us to your friends and family.